The Scholarly Mommy is a Stay at Home Mom who researches and writes about education topics during nap time and any other "free time" in her life.
The Scholarly Mommy was born in San Juan, Puerto Rico. She moved to the United States when she was about 4 years old. At the time, she only knew how to speak Spanish but during her first year of school in Kindergarten eventually picked up the English language. She lived in the United States until completing the fifth grade and returned to Puerto Rico.
In Puerto Rico she attended both private and public school. She did not enjoy her years in public school so she took extra classes in the summer to graduate high school in her junior year.
She attended The University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras Campus for Social Sciences to eventually become an accountant or something in the world of Finance. At the time, she had been involved in teaching young children at church and at the dance studio she danced in and realized that she loved doing so. She changed her major to Early Childhood Education and loved everything about it. Well, not the girly girls which this college seemed to have many of. The Scholarly Mom is more known for being crude, cynical, sarcastic and overall realistic, not so much giggly and bubbly. She enjoys humor, so she tries and once in a while is successful in obtaining grins from people here and there.
During her undergraduate years she participated in the National Student Exchange Program (NSE) and attended Kent State University for a semester. One of her friends that also participated in this program knew of a summer research program hosted at the Big 10 Universities called Summer Research Opportunity Program. While at Kent State, she visited Penn State and met a boy, which influenced which Big Ten University she would choose to apply to the next summer.
While she participated in SROP for two consecutive summers, she learned about research and the academic life. This program also influenced her to pursue a Master's degree. She graduated UPR and soon after moved to State College, PA to work and to apply to grad school at Penn State. She worked as a preschool teacher for two years and also began her Master's degree in Educational Leadership.
Although it was hard work, there was something about the academic life that she seemed to enjoy. She would have liked to continue her PhD but her new hubby obtained a job in Virginia where they currently reside.
In Virginia, she taught Spanish in a public elementary school. This school is a magnet school with many draws, Spanish being one of them. She worked there for three years and became pregnant. She completed the school year and decided that from then on she would become a Stay at Home Mom.
Being a mom is the best thing that could have happened to her. She enjoys watching her son grow and is ensuring that he will be bilingual speaking English and Spanish. While playing and attending to her son and husband, folding the laundry, preparing meals and cleaning the house she has wondered, "Will I ever have a career again?" See, she desires to have more children and does not plan on returning to work until all of her kids have begun grade school. She realizes that this may take a while.
Surely, she put her trust in God and asked for something that would fulfill that need of being an academic while not compromising her position of SAHM. And, voilĂ , The Scholarly Mommy was born.
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