
Here you will find the resources I have used to write each entry in APA (American Psychological Association).  If you would like to reference me in APA, you can find that in each section as the last reference.  Thank you!

Teaching Children about Diversity: Parent Edition

1. Kaiser, B., Sklar-Rasminsky, J.(2003). Opening the culture door. Young Children. 58(6)53-56

2. Derman-Sparks, L. (1989). Anti-bias curriculum: Tools for empowering young children. Washington, DC: National Association for the Education of Young Children. 

3. LeRose, L.A. (2011, September 6). Teaching Children about Diversity: Parent Edition [Web log message]. Retrieved from

Teaching Children about Diversity

1. Deem , Rich. (208, May 6). Love defined (by the bible). Retrieved from
2. Gorski, PC. (2010, April 14). The challenge of defining "multicultural education". Retrieved from

3. Derman-Sparks, L. (1989). Anti-bias curriculum: Tools for empowering young children. Washington, DC: National Association for the Education of Young Children.  
4. LeRose, L.A. (2007). Instructional Leadership in Culturally Diverse Communities: Supporting teachers in a culturally diverse classroom. Masters Research Paper. 

5. LeRose, L.A. (2011, August 22). Teaching Children about Diversity [Web log message]. Retrieved from

Education in Puerto Rico Needs Intervention ASAP, Part II

1. Starratt, R.J. (2004). Ethical leadership. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
2. Ethics. (2011). Retrieved August 22, 2011, from

3. Ethics Resource Center, (2009). Definitions of values Retrieved from

4. Starratt, R.J. (1994) Chapter 3: Foundational qualities of an ethical person. Building an ethical school. London: Falmer Press. 29-44

5. U.S. Department of Education, (2011). Puerto Rico to receive $153.6 million to turn around its persistently lowest-achieving schools. Retrieved from

6. Inter News Service (2011, July 26). Proponen poner en sindicatura al departamento de educación. El Nuevo Día. Retrieved August 2, 2011, from

7. LeRose, L.A. (2011, August 14). Education in Puerto Rico needs intervention, asap! part ii [Web log message]. Retrieved from

Education in Puerto Rico Needs Intervention ASAP, Part I

1. Rivera A.A. (2011, July 26). Fracaso masivo en las Pruebas Puertorriqueñas de Aprovechamiento. El Nuevo Día. Retrieved August 2, 2011, from

2. LeRose, L.A. (2011, August 9). Puerto Rico's public education needs intervention, asap! part i [Web log message]. Retrieved from